Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Yay Emmy!

Oh Emmy, you bundle of lovely!

So I'm super happy because I have loads of fun know bottles of goo to try lathering my face in. One of my absolute kindred spirits Emmy got me a plethora of new skin products to try and cannot wait to get started on them. I'm like a kid in the candy store! A kid in the candy store that cannot read. No, I am not illiterate. You see, the thing is most of what Emmy has bought me is from either South Korea or Japan. Ergo a lot of the user directions are in either Kanji or in Hangul.

I would love to get Emmy's help in all this new fun but she's about to be swept up again by the world of Business and postgraduateness. So this leaves me to seek out the divine wisdom of Google. It's a shame too because Emmy is a fantastic beauty guru, you should check her out. See her blog, how it sparkles.


She writes openly and honestly about all the products she reviews. I recommend it. Of course if you are a friend you can receive her sage advice live. The great thing about Emmy besides her face is how she tells you how it is. A little brutally at times, but she gives you the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING but the truth. Whether you like it or not. So along with the present, she gave me a consultation complete with full facial critique.

Please see diagram...

Here is a grad total of all of the awesome products.

  • iMyss- Natural Aloe Mask Sheet.

(which has English instructions, I knew I loved Jo Kwon for more than his great dancing! He's the gentleman with the charming quif and jaunty pose. And the boy can SING!)

Emmy was kind enough to give me a facial and used this mask back in the summer of 2012. For that reason and to show you the epic Jo Kwon I have included the image above. I will be including pictures of the rest of the items  individually as and when I try them...

  • Skin Food- Gold Caviar Cream
  • Elemis- Tranquil Touch Body Scrub
  • The Face Shop Enersurge Emulsion
  • The Face Shop Super Repair Moisturiser
  • Missha- Super Aqua Revitalising Emulsion
  • Tony Moly- Tomato Magic White Massage Pack
  • Tony Moly- Red Apple Fox Honey Cream
  • Innisfree Capsule recipe pack.
  • Tony Moly Mini Bunny Hand Cream 
  • Clarins Paris Daily Energiser Gel, Wake Up Booster Toner, Daily Energiser Cream
  • Seikisho- Cool Cleansing Gel
For now though here's the whole bundle!

I cannot wait to get stuck into all of this!

Until then!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Worst Goth Ever..

I wanted to release my inner goth recently by being intense, moody and poetic. I realised however that despite my well meaning efforts I can only be moody and intense at a certain time of the month. I am also as poetic as the digestive system of a goat. I have therefore settled for attacking my face with some make up!
I really loved the dark, seductive shades of A/W 2012. So what better way of waving it a fond farewell, than to badly attempt emulating it!

Rock and roll! *ahem*

Here is my face, enjoy or at lease try to get through it as best you can.

Oh, as you can see here I am a cross eyed alien baby.

This blur was artistically done. I swear!

The lipstick used is MAC's Cyber and I swear it looks awesome. Do NOT let it put you off.

HAH anyhoo!

This is how my sister tells my Mum that she left her phone downstairs.

I freaking love my family!

Also this is so cool, I want it right now.


Om nom topshop!

Until next time!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Awkward Much?

I always knew I was awkward! I mean A.W.K.W.A.R.D. Thankfully I have a certain amount of gumption, and enough balls to walk up to a complete stranger and proclaim my undying love for their shoes. Or, as I did on the way back of the Company Blogging Forum, ask an unsuspecting passenger what he was listening to because it sounded good through his headphones. Poor guy thought I was hitting on him. I bet I gave him a fright of his life. But he was listening to Real Estate and they are good. I'm glad I asked.

Nevertheless, I am an awkward mofo and once being shy occurs until the shyness spreads into the situation like gangrene until all I want to do is amputate my stupid face and bury it at sea.

Please see below a diagram of how awesome I am when approached by the opposite sex.

Classic me!
Never mind, there are plenty more fish in the sea to perplex and annoy.

On a brighter not the aforementioned Company Blogging Forum was fantastic, an invaluable learning experience and I got free stuff!

Unfortunately I don't have the- umm- complexion to appreciate the free fake tan but I gave that to one of the girls at the event. I trust it went to a good home.

Among the goodies there was a Body Shop Body Butter in LEMON! I love lemon. Hell to the yeah!

Om nom nom!

I also got to speak to Shini Park of Park&Cube with an awkward mention of my penchant for K-pop, smooth operator and Carrie a.k.a WishWishWish who gave me some invaluable tips for putting more fire into social media.

Turns out super bloggers aren't scary. They're really quite nice.

Until next time!

Thursday, 3 January 2013


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Sailor Moon

Misty PokeQueen


New Year, New You?

Happy new year!

Tis the season to be punishing and unrealistic with the best intentions. Time to scream at your self in the mirror 'your disgusting!'. By New Years Eve I'm so looking forward to stripping away the sticky sweetness of the Yuletide season. I see New Years Eve as one more opportunity to have a massive blowout, big hair, bold make up, and jagerbombs, jagerbombs, jagerbombs!

I have a long list of things New Years Resolutions that I really want to implement this year. 

First of all I really want to learn to

***Shut The Hell Up***

  1. Don't talk more than other people participating in conversations.
  2. Awkwardness, if you can't think of anything interesting to say- DON'T!
  3. When angry belt up or walk away before you say something awful.
'Oops, accidentally mortally wounded our friendship, my bad!'

There's a New Years Resolution that a lot of people make or secretly hope for that everyone can probably sympathise with. 

*** I Will Find Love****

Umm...no you won't. Love will find you on it's own terms. When and where it feels like it. The time you look for it, you are least likely to find it. 

***Diet Riot***

Okay first of all...Eww!

I love food too much to turn it into an enemy. 

But I want to change my relationship with food like I want to change my relationship with shopping. I don't want it to be a comfort blanket for when I feel like throwing myself off of something high and onto something pointy. That's a dangerous habit and one of my worst. 

Also while I'm here. 

***Dress like it's my last day every day***

I guess overall, my new years resolution is to be the best I can be, a little bit better than last year. 

To live life as vigorously and optimistically as I can.


***When life gives me lemons- make margaritas! ***

All the best for 2013.