Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Dusty Fingers Part Two: Seek and Revive

Oh my goodness, Seek and Revive is one of the best things that has ever happened to me! It was my first kilo sale. God bless the kilo sale! It was the stuff of dreams, rail upon rail of affordable goodies. I loved every minute of it, bouncing up and down, browsing and trying things on. It was amazing. Here's a tip, bring a friend with a decent camera/phone. There may not be a mirror handy and if you need to keep taking pics, a wing woman is a sturdy alternative to harassing strangers every few seconds. 

I thought a kilo would be a lot like when you go to a pickamix and it’s 99p per hundred grams. At first your like ‘HELL YEAH’, until you realise you left with 3 giant cola bottles and a fizzy wizzy and you’re left deflated thinking- where did it all go wrong. 100 grams sounds like  more than it is- a lot more. Trust someone who worked in a ‘Ye Olde’ sweet shop. One thing I gained besides weight was how to work a pickamix to the max.

What I’m going to do for all of you kilo sale virgins is break it down for you nice and easy. For those of you who have no budget, ignore me. Go to town and shove whatever you want in the bag screaming YOLO, cash in hand, in reckless abandon. For those of you like me I present to you,


For the sake of example, I will translate clothing items into sweets. Because I love both these things.

So for the purpose of this exercise

  1. Leather Jackets= Jelly Snakes
  2. Denim= Giant Cola Bottles
  3. Knitwear= Pear Drops
  4. Light Bottoms= Jazzies
  5. Light Blouses/Shirts= Flying Saucers

As mentioned before, if you have a wad of cash for the spending you can disregard my little diagram. But if it's tight you want to squeeze everything you can of it. 

Don't bound up to the scales with four jelly snakes and be horrified when you've smashed your budget four times over. Trust me. If you take your time and search for long enough you'll find all the flying saucers you need. You can leave with six maybe seven stunning light blouses. That's not to say that you won't find that jacket that calls your name and hugs you tightly. Sometimes blowing your howl budget on something special isn't blowing it at all. But if you're a first timer and you wanna get as much for as little as possible. Mix some jazzies with a few flying saucers, leave with a lot but with some variety. That's what I did and I got all this...

Seek and Revive will be at Dusty Fingers Market on 3rd September. Check out their Facebook page!

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