It has not been the merriest of times recently. The weather, the news and life in general seems lacking in lust despite. Spring having apparently arrived (AHAHAHAHA) there are still arbitrary snow drifts- bullshit and general misery and taking place in and around London.
In light of this darkness I would like to make a poor attempt to boost spirits by listing a few of my favourite things.
- Chai Latte's- I love them! Warm, sweet and little spicy! They make a pretty foolproof remedy for any bad, cold or tiring day life hurls at you.
- Dancing- classes and night clubs are great and stuff. However the dancing I'm specifically referring to is the dancing you do alone in your room. Better still if you are in your favourite underwear and throwing hazardous shapes to the Vengaboys. Go ahead- freak the f*** out!
- Youtube! Sometimes you don't have time to watch TV but want a quick bite to take your mind off of the possible brain numbing pain of your existence. My favourite channels are-
- Jenna Marbles- Musings of a mildly aggressive, moderately unstable and thoroughly modern girl who tells it like it is. Very popular and very funny if you like that sort of thing...
- 'Your Grammar Sucks' from Jack's Films. Jack is a brave soul showcases the very worst of online grammar in a one man extravaganza. This is the only situation in which reading YouTube comments can possibly be a positive experience...
- Team Four Star- Pretty much for children of the nineties and anime fans. Heard of DragonBallZ? Good watch the abridged series- it's perfect. It not, umm- don't bother. Sorry no number one.
- The Fine Bros- Particularly 'Kids React' which is pretty much like that new show Goggle Box but with kids- apply same logic for 'Teens React' etc.
Have a nice day! x